Do you really want developers to be on this list was (Re: Very bad status of hardware (especially wifi) support in ubuntu, due to the too many accumulated regressions)

Luke L lukehasnoname at
Tue Nov 11 15:47:48 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:03 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo at> wrote:
>> This list was created to give users a way to discuss Ubuntu development with
>> developers.  Comments like "I was just joking about you having to know
>> anything" make the decision to unsubscribe easy.  I'm seriously considering
>> it myself.
> It should remain, developers should remain. Developers are never going
> to get away from users who want to bitch, greater layers between the
> developers and users just breeds users who resent and don't understand
> developers and developers who don't understand (none programmer)user
> needs. Very Bad.
> So on one side I think that list moderators or peers should be very
> prompt in telling the wrong sorts of emails where to go, perhaps with a
> standard template which explains the rules and a little checkbox by the
> offence.
> On the other hand, list members should try not to bait the trolls. I've
> caught myself being suckered in too, so I know it's not easy. But why
> reward the wrong sort of emails with any response other than a boiler
> plait 'Your being rude' email?
> Regards, Martin
> --
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On a practical note, it isn't as if this ML is getting flooded with
hundreds of messages of traffic a day. For those who could benefit
from the technical discussions and user input, I don't see why someone
would disconnect themselves from that for the reason of saving
themselves 15 minutes a day. As long as there are "signals", the
"noise" should be dealt with and ultimately set aside.

Luke L.

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