Inclusion of a mobile management tool

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Mon Nov 3 17:37:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 22:29 +0530, Chandru wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that almost everyone has got a mobile and most of them connect it
> to their PCs, wouldn't it be a good idea to include a decent mobile
> management tool like Wammu (there may me better ones but this is what
> I use)?  Even if it is not going to be included in the Live CD due to
> lack of CD space, at least it could be moved to main so that regular
> updates are made available.

This reminds me of something I've been wondering about.  Why is Palm
Pilot software included by default?  They're not so terribly common that
it's really necessary for your everyday user, and installation
after-the-fact is easy enough.  Something more generic (and thus
applicable to more people) would make quite a bit more sense, in my

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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