How to include a part of Wine ... why include wine at all?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Feb 14 12:09:11 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 13.02.2008, 17:53 -0500 schrieb Daniel Hollocher:
> I have a different but related question:  why is a wine package
> included in the Ubuntu repositories at all?  
would your mother (want to) know how to add a sourcees.list entry etc ?

> I understand that much of ubuntu software is upgraded on a 6 month
> basis to ensure compatibility, but why include wine in that process
> when the wine devs are probably doing a better job?
the wine devs work closely with our wine maintainer, if you look at
ubuntus release schedule you will find that one half of the release
cycle time is dedicated to development/integration and another (usually
the complete second half) to stabilization and bugfixing. beyond its own
bugs software tends to have bugs caused by interaction with other
software. due to the fact that it was tested intensely you can give some
guarantees (this app/software was tested in version x.y.z to work with
all the other versions shipped in ubuntu etc) if you do a release a week
you cant give that quality guarantee since you simply dont have the time
to test as many cases as you can in three months.

so as long as software upstreams dont follow the same release schedule
having a stable and tested package of their software in the archive is
the best way you can go to make sure to hold a certain QA level.

i agree that your mother should have an easy way to add repos if she
wants to go beyod that path and needs the latest and gratest though, but
that wont change ubuntus quality expectations :)

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