Discussion agenda for UDS-Intrepid around the integration of Elisa media center
Cory K.
coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 22 12:54:13 UTC 2008
Alessandro Decina wrote:
> Hi,
> We would like to discuss the integration of a default media center solution
> in the Ubuntu desktop at the Ubuntu Developer Summit for the Intrepid Ibex.
> The goal is to give Ubuntu users an out of the box, easy to use,
> well integrated and appealing multimedia application allowing them to enjoy
> their multimedia content.
> Competing desktops such as Mac OS/X provide their users with an
> immediate solution
> to browse their content and retrieve content from the Internet in a very visual,
> intuitive and beautiful user interface. This is a fundamental part of
> the end user
> experience and makes a big difference in the overall feeling of the desktop.
> Major key elements towards success are:
> - giving users a both usable and very attractive user interface
> - perfect integration with the user's desktop (cross-application
> interoperability,
> visual integration, etc.)
> - it should work out of the box
> Members of the Elisa media center team and of the Ubuntu media center team are
> willing to attend the Ubuntu developer summit for the Intrepid Ibex in order to
> gather around a specification. The basic idea is to take the Elisa media center
> and make the necessary adaptation to fit all the use cases that will
> be discussed.
> Elisa has already an interesting UI and comes with an extensible framework
> that would ease the task by an order of magnitude.
> A specification has been created [1] and is in a drafting state at the
> moment. Anyone
> is welcome to participate.
> An important and very practical point is that we would like to know who is
> interested in discussing it at UDS-Intrepid and on what days so that we can book
> plane tickets and so on.
> Have a nice day,
> Alessandro Decina
> Florian Boucault
> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/elisa-integration
I'm interested in this chat. I had started on a Human theme for Elisa a
bit ago. I could resume the work if there were renewed interest.
I'm not sure you'll be able to pin the chat down to a specific day
though. I'm not sure who will be doing the schedule this time. They
would be able to best tell you. I also wonder if this could actually be
done by default considering the disk-size constraints.
Do you guys have an IRC channel?
-Cory K.
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