Jan Claeys
lists at
Mon Dec 11 16:41:21 UTC 2006
[Sent to the new ubuntu-devel-discuss list, to keep the noise level on
ubuntu-devel low, and this isn't really a core development issue]
Op zaterdag 09-12-2006 om 12:48 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Evan
> i am evan hazlett, and the creator of a project called
> "Reconstructor". I have had growing concerns with some unintentional
> effects it has caused. I will briefly describe what it does.
> Reconstructor allows the customization (usplash, gnome, software,
> etc.) of the Ubuntu Live CD. I originally created it because I had a
> standard set of software and settings that I didn't like to
> reconfigure for every machine when I reinstalled Ubuntu. The concerns
> I have is there are some people that are using it to create their own
> distros (although most are no more than ubuntu with some extra
> software and artwork) and are offering them for download.
> I wanted to get the thoughts from the ubuntu developers on this. I'm
> sure some of you have heard of Reconstructor and probably even seen
> some of the projects i mentioned. I do NOT want to take away from the
> ubuntu community in any way, shape, or form, and i feel my project
> could cause some problems if not used as suggested (personal
> customization).
I'm not a developer, but as a community member, I think there isn't
really a problem with other distros based on Ubuntu, as long as they
don't include Troyan horses or do other similarly harmful things.
E.g. I know that some LoCoTeams have made their own customized CDs, to
include translations that are not on the official CD.
Jan Claeys
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