Ubuntu release team IRC meetings: Friday, Aug 8 @ 1500 UTC

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 6 06:34:34 BST 2008

Dear developers,

In order to streamline communications across the many timezones in which
Ubuntu development takes place, we will be holding regular release meetings
on IRC in the run-up to each Intrepid milestone.  These meetings are planned
for the Friday before each milestone, starting this Friday from 1500 to 1630
UTC in #ubuntu-meeting on freenode.  Meeting times will be kept up-to-date
in the usual calendaring places (fridge.ubuntu.com, #ubuntu-meeting topic).

Minutes from a "kick-off" meeting last Friday can also be found here:


Steve Langasek
On behalf of the Ubuntu release team

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