Some desktop updates for this cycle

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Dec 11 14:46:43 UTC 2013

Le 29/11/2013 18:27, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
>> * GTK: the default option is to stay on 3.8, we are looking at 
>> updating to 3.10 though 
> Thanks to the tireless work from Lars we have candidate packages to 
> test in the desktop ppa:

Hey everyone,

New update, GTK 3.10 got good feedback from the ppa testing, it has been 
uploaded to trusty and is available there since today.

(Having the new version is not an open door to upload new GNOME 
components though, we still didn't sort out the GtkHeaderBar 
integrations issues so please refrain from updating GNOME 3.10 
components that use those.)

On other news we also got webkigtk 2.3.2 to build on all archs and moved 
to trusty.

Sebastien Bacher

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