Some desktop updates for this cycle

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Dec 2 09:14:23 UTC 2013

Le 30/11/2013 16:27, Adam Dingle a écrit :
> I have to update to Epiphany 3.10 to get a working build.  This means 
> that if you update to GTK 3.10 in Trusty, you may be forced to upgrade 
> Epiphany (and perhaps other GNOME apps?) to 3.10 too.

Hey Adam,

GTK releases keep compatibility, so there is no need to force software 
upgrades. What they do though is to deprecate APIs, and it looks like 
epiphany is building with -GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED ... we are just going 
to need to patch that flag out of the build option and 3.8 should build 
fine on GTK 3.10

Sebastien Bacher

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