Looking for application testcases

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 24 10:24:52 UTC 2012

Le 24/02/2012 01:33, Nicholas Skaggs a écrit :
> As part of the precise cycle, the ubuntu QA team has been looking to 
> increase manual application testing. As part of this, I have extended 
> checkbox to serve up manual tests to testers to test ubuntu 
> applications post installation. We need your help! If your an 
> application developer who wants testing on his application I would 
> like your testcases included in the checkbox application tests for beta1.

Thanks for that, it's always great to have people looking at improving 
the desktop ;-)

I've some question though:

- do you have any idea of what applications you would like to see tested?
- who will run those tests and when?
- who will deal with the feedback, when and in which way?

Having things tested is great but I think we should figure how we deal 
with the feedback before starting doing lot of testing this way.

I've been working a bit with unity-checkbox to help Didier in the 
previous unity update round, and dealing with the infos collected is 
quite some work. It's useful for unity where we are upstream and have 
resources to deal with the issues raised, I'm less sure we can do an 
useful job of it on the application with our current structure and 
"workforce"... we don't have the people to do upstream work and to be 
fair we already know about quite some issues that we should fix and 
didn't yet through bug report.

Could you picture how you would see the feedback loop work? Would the QA 
team read those reports and turn issues in bugs for those which are not 
already known? Or...?

Sebastien Bacher
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