Your recent patch of CompizConfig Settings Manager.

Alan Bell alanbell at
Sat Feb 18 20:40:49 UTC 2012

Different approach. Stop depending on the largedesktop feature.

This does not seem to cause me any problems, if you drop this dependency 
it doesn't remove unity when you swap between cube and wall. If you have 
neither then the switcher stops working as one would expect. Turn wall 
back on and the switcher starts working. I think this simple fix would 
remove 80% of the user initiated unity removals.

I can see a different mode for ccsm being useful and easy to implement 
where it doesn't show any non-enabled plugins, and doesn't allow you to 
disable any plugins, but lets you tweak settings for plugins that are 
enabled. The only unstable thing I have seen is when plugins are enabled 
or disabled and unity gets upset (not seen that with 5.4 yet) so 
removing all activation and deactivations seems like a safer optional 
mode for ccsm.


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