Does Ubuntu upload personal information by default and without permission now?

John Rowland Lenton john.lenton at
Wed Oct 12 20:08:56 UTC 2011

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 13:36:29 -0400, Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at> wrote:
> Alternatively, could the entire online store "library" be cached to
> user's computers? This should speed up search and there shouldn't be a
> privacy concern. It could be similar to what app-install-data does.
> But how much space would this data take?

I'd love to, but it's updated weekly, and is several tens of gigabytes
in size.

> (Drifting offtopic, would it make sense for the Music Store to be part
> of Software Center?)
> I suspect that some people complaining would also object to the Apps
> lens showing Apps Available for Download even though no information is
> being sent to the web there, just because of the extra clutter. And
> it's especially annoying to show those downloadable apps to users who
> don't have admin privileges.

what do you mean? apps available for download *are* shown.
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