Does Ubuntu upload personal information by default and without permission now?

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Thu Oct 13 16:29:27 UTC 2011

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John Rowland Lenton wrote on 12/10/11 21:08:
> On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 13:36:29 -0400, Jeremy Bicha
> <jbicha at> ...
>> (Drifting offtopic, would it make sense for the Music Store to
>> be part of Software Center?)

No. Ubuntu Software Center doesn't have a Play button, a scrub bar,
track listings, or many of the other things a music store would need.
Banshee has those things already, so you don't even need to learn a
different interface.

I hope that magazines are soon sold in a dedicated e-reader
application rather than in USC, for similar reasons. And it would be
super-nifty if someone implemented a font manager containing its own
store, because that could do a much better job of previewing fonts
than USC does.

>> I suspect that some people complaining would also object to the
>> Apps lens showing Apps Available for Download even though no
>> information is being sent to the web there, just because of the
>> extra clutter. And it's especially annoying to show those
>> downloadable apps to users who don't have admin privileges.
> what do you mean? apps available for download *are* shown.

Yes, that's the problem. It's bad enough that they're shown at all,
when they are nearly always irrelevant. Showing them to people who
can't install them is even worse.

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