[Oneiric-Topic] GTK3/GNOME3

Rodrigo Moya rodrigo.moya at canonical.com
Thu Apr 7 11:32:41 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 09:59 +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hello all,
> kind of obvious topic, but next cycle we'll need to move to GTK3 and
> GNOME3. Aside from the obvious "update the package versions", I see
> the following particular challenges:
>  * Review our patches, and be rather aggressive about removing those
>    which are intrusive and which we have carried for ages without
>    upstream acceptance. Of course there are also still patches which
>    we haven't even proposed upstream, these should be discussed in
>    bugzilla.gnome.org.
right. Sorry I sent my topic proposal mail before reading this, so
please read my proposal. With the changes in GNOME3, we have patches
that apply cleanly but don't work, so yes, we should really do a lot of
upstreaming / cleaning

>  * Port pygtk2 apps to PyGI with GTK3. The biggest ones are
>    ubiquity and software-center, but there is also quite a long tail
>    of smaller upstream software.
>  * Discuss GTK3 theming with UX/design. Our current murrine based
>    Humanity theme doesn't work with GTK3.
there was a gtk3-engines-murrine package in the GNOME3 PPA some weeks
ago, IIRC, so maybe that's a good starting point to port our themes?

> I expect that this will bind a lot of developer capacity next cycle,
> but at the same time it's very important that we do this to not lose
> track with GNOME.

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