Help Menu Specification

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Thu Jan 18 00:55:26 GMT 2007

On Jan 17, 2007, at 6:54 AM, Will Simpson wrote:
> I had a look at the spec. and love it. Anything to bring the help 
> system closer to the point of need is better. I like the mockup of the 
> 'Ubuntu Help Centre'. The logic of having the Help, Preferences and 
> Administration all as separate panel helps with look and feel and 
> leverages screen real estate to best advantage. Picky, but I prefer 
> the MAC style of "Help" then a panel rather than the Vista style of 
> "Help & Support" then confusing array of options.

That's a bit of a lopsided comparison, because Mac Help doesn't provide 
access to support options at all. (I don't know why not. Perhaps their 
support plans mean that most Apple support calls are expenses rather 
than revenue, so they want to minimize them.)

Given a choice between a slightly simpler help window that has to be 
accessed from a submenu, or a single menu item to access a help window 
containing an "array" of support options (there'll be only two of 
them!), I'll gladly choose the latter.

> The ubuntu panel, which is currently 'Applications', 'Places' and 
> 'System' would look funny if we added 'Help & Support'.
> ...

I've revised the specification to make it clearer that it's not asking 
for a separate menu.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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