G-p-m hding while on AC

Corey Burger corey.burger at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 19:54:38 GMT 2006

On 3/8/06, Christian Bjälevik <nafallo at magicalforest.se> wrote:
> tor 2006-02-23 klockan 21:47 -0800 skrev Corey Burger:
> > 1. I cannot tell what my battery is doing while I am on AC. Maybe I am
> > just on AC until my battery is charged and then going elsewhere.
> You might have noticed that whenever the battery is != full g-p-m shows
> the status of the battery :-). It's just hidden when "not used".
> > 2. More savvy users might think that g-p-m is crashing open AC plugin
> More savvy users would probably have found the preferences dialog and
> found the option in the last tab that controls this? :-)
> > 3. No other DE or OS does this. While this is not usually an argument,
> > I think the expectation of least surprise holds here and there is no
> > compelling argument to break consistency.
> I disagree. I think it's a lot better to have it this way and only use
> the precious panel-space when there is actually something to show. This
> could easily be compared to update-notifier and gnome-cups-icon.
> Cheers, /C

There is this giant myth of precious panel space. There is a great
deal of empty real estate on the default panel. While we shouldn't
fill it up, one extra icon is not going to hurt.


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