G-p-m hding while on AC

Christian Bjälevik nafallo at magicalforest.se
Wed Mar 8 20:17:20 GMT 2006

ons 2006-03-08 klockan 11:54 -0800 skrev Corey Burger:
> There is this giant myth of precious panel space. There is a great
> deal of empty real estate on the default panel. While we shouldn't
> fill it up, one extra icon is not going to hurt. 
I'm not talking about default though. I'm talking about my system, but
then again; I'm savvy enough to change the setting myself :-P.

I think the reasoning behind this was so that stationary AC-only
computers shouldn't see the never-changing power-state icon.

Cheers, /C
Christian Bjälevik <nafallo at ubuntu.com>
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