Issue : wireless networking "on-the-fly"

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Feb 14 20:47:00 GMT 2006

Le mardi 14 février 2006 à 14:25 -0500, Andy Somerville a écrit :

> I think plain criticism (non constructive) is useful as well. When you
> are working with usability its often not easy to say *why* something
> is not good. I think it would be appropriate to expect that many
> criticisms will not come with suggestion for improvement. 

I don't expect him to make better suggestion but he could describe what
he has against the current interface. Describe a usecase where the user
faces some issue by example 

> I have had similar issues where the exact same thing works by hand but
> does not using the network admin tools (breezy). So it validly can be
> a desktop problem.

Seems to be a bug and should be described clearly (what do you do, what
happens, what do you expect to happen) to be fixed ...


Sebastien Bacher

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