Dialogue and moving forward

Charles Profitt ubuntu at cprofitt.com
Mon Jun 22 03:30:17 UTC 2015

On Sun, 2015-06-21 at 21:11 -0600, Neal McBurnett wrote:
> Thank you!  I think your edits all help significantly.  I'm sad that
> Jonathan doesn't seem to realize what seems to be true (not that I'm
> sure): that the CC had no evident role at all in putting it on the
> fridge.  Perhaps others on the council will appreciate it more.  I hope
> the CC and KC do manage meet and find ways to defuse the situation.
> -Neal

I want to step in here and set the record straight. The Community
Council did have a role in placing the content on the Fridge. A request
was made that it be posted on the Fridge.


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