Dialogue and moving forward

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri Jun 19 17:05:14 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 09:36:08PM -0700, Jono Bacon wrote:
> While I understand the KC's concern around the fridge post, it is
> unreasonable to ask it to be removed just because the KC doesn't agree
> with it. The Fridge post was a professionally written, unemotional,
> summary of the situation. The CC should not be in the business of
> deleting statements people don't like.

It is completely unprofessional and petty conduct to put an article against a
community member on a news site of that community.  It makes me look
bad for anyone reading the headline, makes the CC look bad for anyone
reading the contents (as the comments testify) and makes Ubuntu look
completely non-functional.  We have mailing lists and blogs for
discussions like that, not news sites.  It does need to be removed.


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