[U-co] moderacion activa]? [OT]

Oscar Fabian ofp.prieto en gmail.com
Lun Dic 16 17:31:21 UTC 2013

Your mail to 'Ubuntu-co' with the subject

    Re: [U-co] Ultimo evento del año (Bogota)

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

    El cuerpo del mensaje es demasiado grande: 68998 bytes con un
de 40 KB

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:


        .---.        .-----------  Cordialmente.
       /     \  __  /    ------   #Oscar Fabian Prieto Gonzalez
      / /     \(  )/    -----     #Tecnico en Sistemas
     //////   ' \/ `   ---        #GNU/user
    //// / // :    : ---          #www.ofprieto.blogspot.com
   // /   /  /`    '--
  //          //..\\

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