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Luis Carlos Tovar lctovar en gmail.com
Vie Dic 5 13:58:59 UTC 2008

marcos atehortua escribió:
> Les reenvio un correo de la lista de correo de FalkoTimme.com
> Siempre se ven excelentes manuales muy bien escritos en esta pagina.
> Pero esta vez quisiera recalcar este:
> Installing ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10
> http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-ubuntu-system-panel-on-ubuntu-8.10
> Lo probe y me gusto bastante
> Saludos
> matehortua
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "FalkoTimme.com Newsletter" <newsletter en falkotimme.com>
> Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 13:14:15 +0100
> Subject: [FalkoTimme.com] Newsletter 12/04/2008
> To: "FalkoTimme.com Newsletter" <newsletter en falkotimme.com>
> New HOWTOs:
> ===========
> - The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 10 (GNOME)
> - Managing OpenVZ With The Vtonf Control Panel On CentOS 5.2
> - Server Monitoring With munin And monit On CentOS 5.2
> - Installing ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10
> - How To Install And Configure Cherokee Web Server With PHP 5 And
> MySQL 5 Support On Ubuntu 8.10 Server (Intrepid Ibex)
> - The Useful Uses Of Mod Rewrite
> - Running Windows Programs On Ubuntu 8.10 With CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0
> - Installing VirtualBox 2.0 On Mandriva 2009.0
> - Samba + Clamd + Samba-Vscan On CentOS 5.2
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 10 (GNOME)
> =======================================
> This tutorial shows how you can set up a Fedora 10 desktop (GNOME)
> that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that
> has all the software that people need to do the things they do on
> their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure
> system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and
> the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-fedora-10
> Managing OpenVZ With The Vtonf Control Panel On CentOS 5.2
> ==========================================================
> Vtonf is a free web-based control panel (released under the GPL
> license) for managing virtual private servers (VPS) based on OpenVZ.
> It makes it very easy to create and manage OpenVZ VMs even for people
> with little technical knowledge. Right now, Vtonf is available only
> for RedHat, Fedora, and CentOS (support for Debian is planned),
> therefore I describe its installation and usage on a CentOS 5.2
> server.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/managing-openvz-with-vtonf-control-panel-on-centos-5.2
> Server Monitoring With munin And monit On CentOS 5.2
> ====================================================
> In this article I will describe how you can monitor your CentOS 5.2
> server with munin and monit. munin produces nifty little graphics
> about nearly every aspect of your server (load average, memory usage,
> CPU usage, MySQL throughput, eth0 traffic, etc.) without much
> configuration, whereas monit checks the availability of services like
> Apache, MySQL, Postfix and takes the appropriate action such as a
> restart if it finds a service is not behaving as expected. The
> combination of the two gives you full monitoring: graphics that lets
> you recognize current or upcoming problems (like "We need a bigger
> server soon, our load average is increasing rapidly."), and a watchdog
> that ensures the availability of the monitored services.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/server-monitoring-with-munin-and-monit-on-centos-5.2
> Installing ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10
> ===================================================
> ubuntu-system-panel is a simple launcher for the GNOME desktop,
> providing easy access to Places, Applications and common configuration
> items for your computer. This guide shows how to install and configure
> it on an Ubuntu 8.10 desktop.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-ubuntu-system-panel-on-ubuntu-8.10
> How To Install And Configure Cherokee Web Server With PHP 5 And MySQL
> 5 Support On Ubuntu 8.10 Server (Intrepid Ibex)
> =====================================================================================================================
> This tutorial shows how to install Cherokee from source with PHP and
> MySQL support on a Ubuntu 8.10 server machine. The reason for
> compiling from source instead of using apt to install binary packages
> is that there are older versions in the repositories than the ones
> available on Cherokee's homepage. The main goal is to install the
> webserver so I didn't bother compiling everything else. That way you
> won't spend to much time on doing things I didn't want to describe.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-and-configure-cherokee-web-server-with-php5-and-mysql5-on-ubuntu-8.10
> The Useful Uses Of Mod Rewrite
> ==============================
> In this tutorial, I'm going to be teaching what mod rewrite is and few
> examples of its uses. Mod rewrite is a powerful tool and one of the
> simplest ways to make your website more SEO friendly.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/the-useful-uses-of-mod_rewrite
> Running Windows Programs On Ubuntu 8.10 With CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0
> ======================================================================
> This guide shows how you can use CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0 to run
> Windows applications on Ubuntu 8.10. CrossOver is based on Wine. It is
> not available for free, but maybe you are one of the lucky guys that
> grabbed a CrossOver copy for free a few days ago; otherwise you can
> install a 30-day trial version to test it.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/running-windows-programs-on-ubuntu-8.10-with-crossover-linux-pro-7.1.0
> Installing VirtualBox 2.0 On Mandriva 2009.0
> ============================================
> This tutorial shows how you can install Sun xVM VirtualBox on a
> Mandriva 2009.0 desktop. With VirtualBox you can create and run guest
> operating systems ("virtual machines") such as Linux and Windows under
> a host operating system. There are two ways of installing VirtualBox:
> from precompiled binaries that are available for some distributions
> and come under the PUEL license, and from the sources that are
> released under the GPL. This article will show how to set up
> VirtualBox 2.0 from the precompiled binaries.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-virtualbox-2.0-on-mandriva-2009.0
> Samba + Clamd + Samba-Vscan On CentOS 5.2
> =========================================
> This is a howto on getting samba + clamav + samba-vscan to work on a
> CentOS 5.2 system.
> You can find the document here:
> -------------------------------
> http://www.howtoforge.com/samba-clamd-samba-vscan-on-centos-5.2
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> You can now support HowtoForge by becoming a member:
> HowtoForge Subscription
> =======================
> For a monthly fee of 5 EUR or 25 EUR for half a year, you can become a
> HowtoForge supporter and help us cover our costs (servers, bandwidth,
> etc.). In return, you receive the following benefits:
> 1) Access the whole HowtoForge web site without any ads.
> 2) Download the results of our tutorials as VMware images (where
> available) (a list of downloadable VMware images is available here:
> http://www.howtoforge.com/list-of-downloadable-vmware-images ).
> 3) Download our tutorials as PDF files.
> 4) View our tutorials as printer-friendly pages.
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> If you have the free VMware Server or Player installed, you can import
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> tutorials immediately. It's a great way to track down problems with
> your own setup or simply to save time. ;-)
> More details can be found on http://www.howtoforge.com/subscription .
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Best Regards,
> Falko Timme
> System Developer
> Email: ft en falkotimme.com
> URL: http://www.falkotimme.com
> Please help me maintain my site and write more (hopefully) useful
> HOWTOs by making a donation (through PayPal) here:
> http://www.falkotimme.com/donation.php
> ------------------------------------------------
> If you want to unsubscribe from our newsletter click on the link below:
> http://www.falkotimme.com/work/mailgust/unsubs.php?lid=1
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