[ubuntu-cloud] build openstack on HPC cluster via orchestra/juju

Michael Galloway gallowaymd at ornl.gov
Fri Feb 3 13:38:12 UTC 2012

good day all,

we are going to reprovision one of our HPC clusters to openstack, i was 
looking at the ubuntu cloud deployment docs 
and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure) and it 
indicates inside there that the recommended build is for all nodes 
(admin and compute) to be on two physical networks. our cluster is 
typical HPC, two admin nodes connected to the WAN/internet and connected 
to private cluster networks (both gigE and IB). there are references to 
an 'original document' that describes the 'hacking and workarounds' 
needed to build on a single network, but i cannot seem to find that 


It should be assumed that the user deploying this setup has all nodes 
with two network interfaces linked to two seperate physical networks. 
Deploying with a single network is possible with some hacking and 
workarounds, see original document for that.
It's also assumed the user has sufficient number of nodes available in 
Orchestra. The minimum deployment outlined below requires a minimum of 6 
machines including the juju bootstrap node.

looking for any suggestions about deploying in our environment. thanks!

--- michael

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