[Ubuntu-Classroom] Promoting Lernid PPA

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 21 16:18:02 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Jono Bacon <jono at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 07/21/2011 08:12 AM, John S Gruber wrote:
>> Just an update to let you all know that I have made a small update to
>> the test lernid in ppa:jsjgruber/lernid-proposed . We have experienced
>> problems with nickname comparisons that meant that web pages and slide
>> changes were not followed for al instructors. The new proposed version
>> follows all links and slide changes as long as the classroom channel
>> is moderated. Nicknames are only consulted if the session is
>> unmoderated.
>> As a reminder, I'll be running this today and tomorrow, and then
>> update the lernid ppa with the new version this weekend so those
>> couple hundred people running lernid from the ppa will be using it if
>> they participate in cloud week starting Monday.
> Sounds great! Thanks, John!
>> If you would like to run the new test version, please add the
>> ppa:jsjgruber/lernid-proposed, to your sources (if you haven't
>> already), and then use synaptic Reload, and Package->Force Version to
>> install it. (When installed for next week it will simply be a new
>> release and everyone subscribed to the lernid ppa will automatically
>> get it and keep it.)
> I just tried to install from the PPA and it doesn't install the new version.
> Looking at the version this is because the version number in the PPA is
> technically quite different and percieved by dpkg as being lower.
> To install the new version, I needed to download the PPA deb manually,
> uninstall my stable LErnid, and then install the deb via the software
> center.

Once you uninstall the old version you can force the install the
proposed one form the command line with:

 sudo apt-get install lernid=0+227+201107210535+proposed~natty1

(of course that's for natty, just grab the version string for your release)

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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