[Ubuntu-ch] Call for help | Lausanne RP | VERY IMPORTANT

Simon Schneebeli simon.schneebeli at okko.org
Wed Apr 30 19:36:17 BST 2008

Hi all,

Actually, my initial idea was a way shorter programme with a much more
precise focus. I think that iff we want to attract newbies, then we need
a programme that is adapted to what they are looking for. Someone who
has never dealt with Linux will probably not attend an event that last
for four hours. I'd say that a presentation of one hour would be enough,
and then have enough computers ready so that they can try it out

Anyway, I don't want to turn upside down the whole planning. If we go
with Patricks proposal, I'd say that we should clearly divide the
programme into three parts:

- Linux for newbies (fonctions we use everyday)
- Linux multimedia and eye candy (with Amarok etc).
- Sponsors talk
with a long break between every part so that people can come
particularly for the part they are interested in.

Such a programme would allow to do a much more specific advertising and
thus could attract more people.

Personnally I have no idea of multimedia and eye candy (I mostly use
only the basic functions of Linux and and have not much of an idea of
the rest), but I'd be glad to talk a little about these basic functions.

By the way, will we do all that in English or French? I'd say that at
least for the first part, French would be a better choice.


Patrick Murena wrote:
> Hi folks,
> As I mentioned on IRC last night, the CEO of camptocamp has the
> possibility to talk about our RP on a radio broadcast at RSR
> (including a link on they're web page). But before he talk about it,
> he needs the schedule of the RP. He needs something he can talk about,
> don't he? That's why I'm coming up whit a proposal. Please let me know
> until this evening where you wont to jump in and any other comments.
> He needs the link to the schedule until tomorrow morning.
> Simon proposed to start the party a little later, his argument was
> that people probably would prefer to go out if the sun shines and join
> the party more towards the evening. Anyhow the schedule should, IMHO,
> look something like this:
> Introduction speech: Welcome, thanks sponsors, who we are, what will
> happen during the party (~15min)
> 10min off
> Ubuntu presentation: What is Ubuntu, who's Canonical, subproject
> (Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu), what for and where do I found the
> community/support, how do I get involved. (~30 min)
> 10min off
> Use Ubuntu everyday: Open Office, mails, web, rss feeds, .... This
> talk would show people that there's nothing they do on a everyday
> basis in Windows or MacOS that they can't do (even better) with
> Ubuntu. (~30min)
> 10min off
> Amaraok: Mamarok and Mark proposed to present they're baby, thanks to
> them. (~(how long you plan)min)
> 10min off (eventually supper break. 60-90min).
> Synaptic: Synaptic in general, all you need is there and far more
> (list/short presentation of the most popular apps). Software install.
> (~15min)
> 10min off
> Sponsor talk: Configuration Automation & Centralized Management With
> Puppet (~(how long they plan)min)
> 10min off
> Eye candy: compiz fusion, what is it and how does it look like. (15min)
> 10min off
> Ubuntu as a gaming platform: wine, playonlinux, .... (15min)
> Party, from now on it's beer, chat, key signing, gaming and ... time.
> This schedule would take approximately 4h. So we could, as Simon
> proposed, start of later and begin the party at 5pm which would mean
> that the talks would end around 9pm, 10-10.30 if we include a supper
> break. This would leave up to three hours for the party it self.
> Any comments and/or volunteers welcome. But remember I must send the
> final schedule until tomorrow morning if we want to be in the broadcast.
> Cheers Patrck.

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