[Ubuntu-ch] Would like to become involved in Swiss Ubuntu Group

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Jeu 25 Jan 11:43:23 GMT 2007

On 1/25/07, Didier Raboud <didier at raboud.com> wrote:
> Well... The problem is not the philosophical part, it's the technical one. I
> we could have a mailing list and a translatable website with a fingersnap, it
> would be fine!

Thanks for your answer, Didier!
A wiki is already an easily translatable website. If non-members can
edit it, this is already fine, I guess.

> OK, the mailing-list is maybe not that hard, but it should be observed that we
> ever have: wiki, forum, IRC, Jabber, it's pretty enough for getting help.
> But I will add a note on the wiki thereabout to ensure this will be discussed
> during the meeting.


> > 2. The membership fee is a threshold that puts people off, even if
> > it's an symbolical sum. Are you obliged (as a legal association) to
> > demand a fee?
> Well... It depends on our "statuts", but per definition, to have the right to
> vote, one should be a member, and you can be a member only if you pay the
> subscription fee, "normally". But this is meant for the official part.
> But you have to note that the subscription fee is _absolutely_ not necessary
> for participation in every sector of SL.org. You just have to subscribe to
> the forum to be "participating member". But if you _want_ to join the "paying
> members" (those who have the right to vote in IRL assemblies), you can, by
> paying the subscription fee.
> This is what makes us different from the GULL. Everyone can participate, help,
> write tutorials and so on the wiki, just by e-inscription on the forum. But
> to be part of the decision process IRL, you have to be member of the
> association, by paying the subscription fee.

So I understand this like you can participate for free, but you can
also "buy" voting rights. I don't know what GULL is, but I guess it is
another (even more closed) linux association.

> > Is it otherwise necessary? I read that the main reason
> > is the domain hosting. How much is that? (I only saw 45 CHF for last
> > year). I think you can find sponsors that will do or finance this for
> > you. I am willing to donate myself, if you drop that member fee. Lots
> > of people like free beer, and many are willing to give free beer as
> > well :)
> As explained above... And if you have too much beer, I'm willing to help!

You didn't explain why you have to demand a member fee. Why can't you
offer membership without payment? I suggest you discuss alternatives
for financing the web hosting /other costs at your general assembly.

Or is it because it will make members feel better when they pay for
something exclusive that they wouldn't get otherwise? Like a marketing

I guess it's just the habitual thing for an association to collect
fees to easily fund minor expenses (Participation A Frais). But I
think it works negatively and it's time to reconsider. (If you want to
grow and prosper, that is). Having a donation bucket at meetings (like
in the church) is an alternative with less administrative overhead.
Selling CDs at meetings is another way, or even better, to avoid
"selling", give away CDs with a strong encouragement to donate to the
bucket. You can still do everything totally transparent so that nobody
will question what happens to their money.

> Didier Raboud, aka OdyX
> > PS. will there be a SwissLinux stand at OpenExpo?
> Hasn't been spoken yet...

Hope to see you there! Hopefully we can do things together and reap
synergies from all the different linux/free software/etc groups in
Switzerland and across borders. There are maybe too many overlapping
groups around? I have had some ideas for Ubuntu activities that might
fit well into SwissLinux activities as well. The great thing about the
Ubuntu SwissTeam is that it is fully open to anyone without any
obligations, and we just _do_ things without the overhead and
administration of an association. But of course, sometimes it is good
to have a formal, legal association in the back or fronting us.


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