[Ubuntu-ch] Swiss Ubuntu Meeting and Launchpad site update suggestion, was Re: Swiss Ubuntu Members / Wie waers mit einem treffen

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 20:35:28 GMT 2007

Hi Andrew,
Welcome to the list! Please see the archives on
https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ch/ to see what we have been
discussing lately.

It is great that you want to arrange some activities! Right now we are
preparing a stand for a software exposition in Bern, please see the
wiki for more information. I hope you would like to help out, and hope
to see you there!


> > So basically I wanted to ask whether there is an interest in organizing a
> > meeting of all the swiss ubuntu user to share information, help each other
> > with installations and exchange thoughts and news about ubuntu.
> >
> > I would be very interested in getting something like this together. Please
> > let me know whether there are a few people who share this idea with me.

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