[Ubuntu-cat] [equip] Comitè de Recerca de Comunitats Locals
Rafael Carreras
rcarreras a pm.me
dis gen 9 08:18:12 UTC 2021
Bon dia equip.
Com ja sabeu, el LoCo Council no respon els correus per la re-aprovació i és perquè ningú no té temps per aquestes coses.
Ara volen crear un Comitè de Recerca de Comunitats Locals per mirar de redreçar la situació i copsar per fi el moment actual.
Si algú s'hi vol apuntar, s'ha de ser Ubuntu Member. Sembla que hi va havent-hi gent que s'hi apunta, a veure què s'empesquen. Es donen 6 mesos de marge, així que fins el juliol no crec que tinguem cap conclusió.
Rafael Carreras
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
El divendres, 8 de gener 2021 a les 21:55, Torsten Franz <torsten.franz a ubuntu.com> va escriure:
> Hello everybody,
> The Community Council has concluded that we need a new evaluation of the
> Ubuntu Local Communities project (https://loco.ubuntu.com) itself and
> this should be done by a Local Communities Research Committee.
> You can read the thoughts behind this call and what we are looking for
> on the Community Hub:
> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/local-communities-research-committee/20186
> If you think you can and want to make a contribution to Ubuntu here,
> please send your nomination to community-council at lists.ubuntu.com.
> Nominations are now open and will close on Saturday, January 23, 2021 at
> 23:59 UTC. After that, the Community Council will review the submissions
> and appoint the Local Communities Research Committee.
> On behalf of the Community Council,
> Torsten
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts a lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
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