Understanding people

Doug Stewart doug.dastew at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 15:51:14 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 11:20 AM, David M. Pelly <david.pelly at hotmail.ca>wrote:

>  Dear Gord, Colin and Aruna , and to whom ever else it may concern,
> The thread that I initiated has  spurred and  stimulated necessary and
> beneficial responses, to expose and bring to light the better standards of
> the people in the group.
> Any group is only as good as the sum of it's members.
>  I thank you all for speaking up, and making yourself known.
> <snip>
> In hope I have enlightened some people on this list.
> If anyone wants any more information on this subject,  you can contact me
> back channel.
> Because at least 30% of society has some form of mental illness or mental
> problems.
> Probably closer to 50%.
> I have never met a person who, I thought could not use some form of mind
> improvement.
> It is all a matter of degree.
> Mental illness by any other name,  is still mental illness.
> And there are  almost as many types of mental illness as there are people.
> The best science can do is categorize them.
> And I am sure there is a cure for every type.
> But this field is still in it's infancy.
> Have a great day,
> David

I have read what you said, and would like to say that I am sure that we can
help you with your computer questions.



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