Good Online Reference

Victor Mendonça victorbrca at
Sat May 26 03:29:03 UTC 2007

I found this on the net....

Ubuntu Linux Bible


----- Original Message ----

From: Tee Jay Rosene <teejayrosene at>

To: ubuntu-ca at

Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 11:19:23 PM

Subject: Good Online Reference

Hey all, I have a quick question pertaining to online information sources. Today I was in Chapters and I saw a few very good books on Ubuntu--one in particular called Ubuntu Unleashed.  It had tonnes of information packed in chronological, logical order. 

I really wanted it, but I couldn't justify dishing out nearly $80 for a book (actually my better half talked me out of it...probably for the best).  

Anyway, that got me thinking...there must be information available like this, somewhere on the net? I do frequent, and I love it, but the reason why I liked these books was because it presented information to me that I wasn't going out to get. Instead, I could turn from page to page and become a better Ubuntu user because of what I'd learn.  

Also, I've already downloaded the "Official" Ubuntu book, and it has been helpful, but what if I want to get some hacks or more in depth info? 

Thanks in advance,

Tee Jay 


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