Hi !

R. Wood au516 at freenet.carleton.ca
Fri Sep 8 17:29:27 UTC 2006

Allegedly, on Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 12:31:22PM -0400, Paul Hearns stated:
> i am trying to use Ubuntu but i can't find things as easy as on
> winxp...defrag....you know all that stuff on the startup list....do
> you have any in put that would help me...thanks in advance Paul.

Linux filesystems typically don't need a 'defrag' :-)  There is,
however, a 'fsck' (FileSystemChecK) utility that will check a partition
for different errors, and correct them if need be.

NOTE: IIRC the 'device' should *not* be mounted when you run a check
with this utility.

So for example, to check an unmounted ext2 filesystem (substitute the
correct device of course):
  e2fsck -fv /dev/hda3

For more info on 'fsck':
  man fsck

Have Fun with GNU/Linux,

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