Hi !

Paul Hearns gemini_guy_57 at yahoo.ca
Fri Sep 8 16:31:22 UTC 2006

every thing came through fine on my end..lol...I had no prob reading it...But if you don't mind i have to ask...lol....i am trying to use Ubuntu but i can't find things as easy as on winxp...defrag....you know all that stuff on the startup list....do you have any in put that would help me...thanks in advance Paul.

Doooh_Head <doooh_head at hotmail.com> wrote:  Sorry for this, but I was informed I sent something in HTML format, and it
doesn't bode well for people who don't/can't view it correctly. I've
switched my email app (Office Outlook, sorry!) to send in plain text. Let
me know if this worked or not. 


From: ubuntu-ca-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-ca-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Doooh Head
Sent: September 8, 2006 10:47 AM
To: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Hi !

Hi All,

I'm new to the Ubuntu community, as well as this list. I was liking the way
this new thread began and wondered how everyone would feel about doing a bit
of an introduction of each other. We don't have to get intimate or
anything, but maybe where you live, your Ubuntu experience and any other
little tid-bits about yourself that you're willing to share. Let me begin:

I was born in Toronto, but have lived all across Canada. I live in the
Halifax area, here in Nova Scotia now. I'm a software developer, who has,
and still am, developing web applications on (unfortunately) a full Windows
XP environment, using Java, etc. I've been a Ubuntu user for awhile at
home, but I have no experience with Linux in any way shape or form, so
everything about it is new to me, especially all of the command line stuff.
Every day that I get on Ubuntu I discover something new. I like it alot. 

I have wondered if I could get away with installing it on my development
machine here at work, but all of our customers are entrenched in the
Microsoft world, so it would be difficult for me to get away from having all
of that stuff available to me. Most of my work revolves around SQL Server
as well, so not having that would be bad, and even though alot of people
here would also be interested in switching, our Sysadmin, though again he
would be accomodating to doing it, would concede that the headaches involved
in doing the switch would be too great of a loss to the company ( as far as
development time), to do. So I will have to be satisfied with my Ubuntu at
home, which by the way, my wife happily uses without any problems. She is
not an avid computer user at all so its a testament to Ubuntu's ease of use!

Also, sorry for this long message. I'll try to be a little more brief from
now on!


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