Difference Between Automatix and EasyUbuntu (was Re: Newbie Wurkshop)

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at ubuntu.com
Sat Nov 18 04:49:52 UTC 2006

On 11/17/06, rbil <rbil at shaw.ca> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-14-11 at 11:05 -0800, Corey Burger wrote:

> > Rene, I find your tone rude and insulting.
> Well, I must be taking a page from your behaviour. I know, I know, I
> said that I wouldn't post again on the topic of my being banned from the
> IRC channels. BUT, that was after you elitists handed out the 1 week ban
> as YOUR verdict in this whole affair. I was prepared to sit through this
> banning and get my chance to both appeal and expose you IRC Ops
> behaviour before the Community Council.  Following that unfair verdict,
> I lived up to my part of the bargain. But enough is enough already!
> We're way way past a week now and I'm still banned! You guys are either
> incompetent, uncaring, or worse, outright liars. It's now 12 days since
> Seveas banned me! I've logged all attempts to get on to those channels
> since your verdict came down. You suggested my only recourse was to take
> my plight to the Community Council which has yet to schedule its next
> meeting. The longer this drags on like this, both the more offended I'm
> becoming and the more you guys are exposing yourselves to be in
> contravention of the so-called "Code of Conduct". Justice delayed is no
> justice!

Could we drop this thread on this mailing list.  I'm not going to
comment one way or another on the story, but it has absolutely nothing
to do with Ubuntu-Canada activities.  So please take this discussion
to more appropriate and relevant forums (the IRC ops channel, the next
Community council meeting, etc).  Thanks.

As for the community council, it usually meet every 2 weeks. But due
to the release, the developers meeting in Mountain view, and the
Canonical staff conference, the next meeting hasn't been announced
yet, and we haven't had a meeting since October.  But It should happen
within the next couple of weeks I suspect.  In the meantime,  if you
don't put your topic on the agenda on the wiki, it will for sure not
be discussed at the next meeting.

Daniel Robitaille

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