[ubuntu-marketing] Linux (and Ubuntu) advocacy in Canada and USA

MF MagicFab at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 12:44:48 UTC 2005

Martin-Éric Racine a écrit :
> On Fri, November 11, 2005 10:48, Vincent Untz said:
>> Speaking to the students might help, but convincing the administrations
>> of the universities is really what we should aim for. This is where the
>> decisions are taken and where a simple change might have a great impact.
> The problem is not universities as much as the software procurement model
> of the public sector: purchase orders must fit budget and feature
> constraints and explicitely provide multiple suppliers with a chance to
> place competing bids on the exact same target product.
Precisely. However, where you see a problem I see the opportunity to
work with local providers of commercial support to do exactly the same -
change the word "product" in your sentence for "services", except
they're (mostly or completely) based on free computing solutions (free
software, free formats, patents-free, etc.). I believe the change has to
be in the procurement *requirements*, not as much in the model which as
you describe is there to stay.

Will elaborate on this later, have to run ;)


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