response to various issues

Allen Graham allenggraham at
Tue Nov 8 11:20:26 UTC 2005

Hi All:

It's important to address an issue raised by Lino, namely :
There are counted MP's and MLA's who know about Open Source Software.
This is why we have to start promoting the use of Open Source Software
to our policy makers. If we want Ubuntu (or any other Linux
distribution) to become popular, we need to install it in schools,
universities, government offices, etc. The only way, we can do that is
with the support of our policy makers.

FIRST ISSUE: Shortly after Jean Chretien came in to power he, and his
cabinet , awarded a huge contract to Microsoft for "Office" (primarily),
this was chosen over Corel's "Wordperfect suite" WP was always superior to
Office (will explain in future)
Anyone here who has used Open Office will feel certain that it's better.
This old "political hack" was racked with suspicions over that questionable
Note: politicians do not make decisions. Civil servants do. See recent news
about Allan Cutler.(the whistleblower)

2ND: Although I'm a firm believer in Ubuntu. please research Canonical's and
Mark Shuttleworth's background.
It's profit motivation which is great with me.

3RD: how many of us have burned "Live CD's" and "Live DVD's" to give to our
friends. Personally I've had 4 or 5 d/l and try a Live CD, but never given
one out. In process of taking a bunch to Mexico shortly. And OpenOffice!,
very well received. Think ODT .

4TH: as mentioned many times Ubuntu (the easiest Distro I've ever used),
must be totally user friendly, it's not. Wireless anyone?

And a "cross-country" Install fest !!!!! Great idea.

How many here do voluntary computer service for friends ? (almost typed
fiends) Next experiment, set up a system, ready to go, with Ubuntu. I've
done it for friends, & visitors (relatives), didn't tell them it was Linux,
guess what? they didn't notice !

regards, Allen

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