Ubuntu Canada CD insert

Brian Burger blurdesign at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 23:27:05 UTC 2005

> Perhaps we can combine some ideas. Here's what I had created to give to
> > spanish-speaking people:
> > https://secure.fabianrodriguez.com/files/ubuntu-es.pdf
> > https://secure.fabianrodriguez.com/files/ubuntu-es.odt (OOo 2.0)
> >
It's sort of hard to fit three languages on two-sided paper - I'm already
having trouble fitting the French side of the Ubuntu.ca
<http://Ubuntu.ca>one on 1/6th of a sheet of letter paper. I might
have to redesign for
quarter-sheet slips. (The English blurb fits just fine; the French blurb is
about a line and a half longer, and doesn't fit comfortably....)

The nice thing about 1/6th of a sheet is that it fits without folding in
anything a CD fits in; 1/4 sheets are a bit too large compared to a CD. I'll
keep playing with it, and probably post a first-draft version later tonight.

- "Madpilot" on IRC -
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