we have a problem

Alex Combas alex.combas at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 19:59:32 UTC 2005

On 4/29/05, Andrew VanSpronsen <avanspronsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> I got a bounced message about this post to the mailing list -
> resending....sorry if this ends up being a duplicate.
>  Alex, I look forward to the vote and having the group sort out for
> themeselves what they want.  Please get your name on the Wiki before the
> deadline.  You may want to include a blurb about yourself since most of our
> members came on since you have been gone.  They need a chance to get to know
> you and what you stand for. 

My name is on the wiki, and I have changed the name to "contact vote".

>  Our group needs a leader

No it doesnt.

>  Our web presence needs a face lift

Its being worked on.

>  I know of at least two individuals that were ready to leave before the
> decision to elect a leader was put forward.  There are people who want
> change.

They we're going to leave because things were inactive and boring, not
because we didnt have a leader to worship or obey.
>  Many decisions were made when the group was 3 or four people.  The group
> has increased and size and we have many more ideas out forward and hands
> willing to volunteer their time.  These are the people that I am working
> with.  Who are you working with?  The group knows me and what I am trying to
> do.  Please feel free to say what you like about me, people know the truth.

Actually there was about 12 or more people in the group originally,
and right now there are 22 people on this mailing list. Im glad to see
its growing.

>  If you read the responses in the mailing list to this thread you will see
> repeated attempts to communicate the fact we want a leader and that we want
> to get this over with fast.  Please don't try to derail the efforts of the
> group.  Lets have the vote and see what happens.

Yes, well, up until yesterday I thought that is what I wanted also.
Although to be honest (and I have said this to others) I did not want
to be called "leader" ever, because I felt that the term was
inherantly flawed, infact I suggested a name change to smufix many
months ago and he replyed that they were already way ahead of me, I
jumped for joy.

Regardless though, some rethinking is nessisary.. but lets not beat
the horse, tis already dead. Well.. ok, on second thought, if its
already dead why not beat it some more!!

I encourage everyone to weight the issues and think for themselves.

This is my view, I encourage anyone to discuss it further.

I know the idea of a leaderless community is not easy to grasp, you may think:  
"who will make desicions"? 
"who will kick out the bad guys and champion justice"?
"who will we blame when it all gets shot to hell"?

In reality the group was working perfectly before we had a leader, and
it only derailed when we started to discuss "who will be our leader"
because we thought we had to have one, and infact we DID have to have
one because Ubuntu required all LoCo teams to have a leader back then.
Now it only requires that we have a "Contact".

Here are some examples:

If someone wants to go to a confrence to represent Ubuntu, great, go!
Order some shirts and cd's and send a message to the list.

If someone wants to make a forum, great, do it! We really need one! 

If someone has a great idea about a way to promote Ubuntu, awesome,
post it to the list and wiki, lets do it! And if it doesnt work, or
nobody likes it, oh well... better luck with your next idea.

If someone wants to do x y or z, fantastic! Get on it!

What leader do we requre?
I encourage everone to think carefully regarding this.

Lets not forget what Opensource and Freedom are all about.
Lets not forget what a community is supposed to be.
Lets not forget that we're here to help new users and promote Ubuntu.

(I might as well not even go to work.. this is far more interesting anyway.)

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