we have a problem

Andrew VanSpronsen avanspronsen at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 19:30:14 UTC 2005

I got a bounced message about this post to the mailing list - 
resending....sorry if this ends up being a duplicate.

Alex, I look forward to the vote and having the group sort out for 
themeselves what they want. Please get your name on the Wiki before the 
deadline. You may want to include a blurb about yourself since most of our 
members came on since you have been gone. They need a chance to get to know 
you and what you stand for. 

In your rather lengthy absence a number of issues had come up. They are:

Our group needs a leader
Our web presence needs a face lift
I know of at least two individuals that were ready to leave before the 
decision to elect a leader was put forward. There are people who want 

Many decisions were made when the group was 3 or four people. The group has 
increased and size and we have many more ideas out forward and hands willing 
to volunteer their time. These are the people that I am working with. Who 
are you working with? The group knows me and what I am trying to do. Please 
feel free to say what you like about me, people know the truth.

If you read the responses in the mailing list to this thread you will see 
repeated attempts to communicate the fact we want a leader and that we want 
to get this over with fast. Please don't try to derail the efforts of the 
group. Lets have the vote and see what happens.

On 4/29/05, Alex Combas <alex.combas at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think there is a problem brewing.
> I sent an email to Andrew VanSpronsen, my mistake, I ment to send it
> to the list.
> Here is what I said :
> ~~~
> The reason I suggested Monday as the dates to finalize things on is 
> because
> sometimes I dont check email on the weekends. My free time consists of
> Mondays/Tuesdays and sometimes Wednesdays, sometimes those are the
> only times I even get to see a computer and sometimes not even then if Im
> really busy.
> I will continue the redesign stuff.
> Nobody asked if any help was needed on the list, and you cant simply
> take control of something because you feel like it or because it seems
> inactive to you.
> If you would like to help me, thats great, I'll talk to Matthias about
> getting you access to the server if you dont already have it.
> We still need to discuss how the voting will actually take place.
> Do we want a secret ballot?
> The last time we voted people just sent their vote in to the mailing list
> but it didnt seem like that was very well supported.
> Another option is that we could use a poll on a forum, phpBB style.
> ~~~
> **This is what Andrew replyed to me**
> ~~~
> Andrew VanSpronsen
> to me
> Thanks Alex but no thanks...please do not continue any work with the
> redesign. The entire group needs to be involved in the shaping of
> our online presence and shadowing and I are looking after it. I hope
> this "my way or the highway attitude" is not what we would get if by
> some chance you were voted into any position of responsibility. In
> your absence, action has been taken. We had no choice since you were
> not around. You are free to align with what we are doing or you can
> persist in your attempts to go your own route. We cannot have a
> renegade in the group so if you do persist I imagine there will be
> consequences.
> Andrew
> ~~~
> Just so we are clear Andrew, I dont appreciate your comments
> concerning "my way or the highway" or "renegade" or the threat of
> "consequences".
> If anything, its me who is scared if you are ever put into a position
> of authority because its clear you plan to run things like a Leader
> and not like a "Contact for the Community" and infact you've even said
> so. I hope you honestly dont plan to disreguard what Ubuntu-Canonical
> has recently had to say on the matter. Weather or not people say they
> would like a leader, Ubuntu-Canonical has had good reasons for
> changing the role and we do well to align ourselves with the new way
> or risk making the same mistakes. Leadership as far as _this_ project
> goes is a bug. Apply the patch.
> But let me review some things, as about half the people on this list
> already know
> we had lots of group discussions concerning the website, our project,
> and what we would do for Canadians and Im happy to see that many of
> our ideas that we discussed first right here among ourselves are now
> being implemented for all LoCo groups in the Ubuntu community.
> Reguarding the redesign:
> What I was talking about was not "reworking the entire idea from
> scratch" which is perhaps what you thought. Im just going to rework
> the way the site looks and improve the code, but the basic idea that
> we discussed and agreed upon as a group will remain.
> Please stop trying to redesign ideas the group has already agreed upon
> without first discussing things on this mailing list first. If you
> think our current ideas are wrong or could be improved thats what the
> mailing list is here for, anyone at any time is free to be a critic
> and suggest new things. If there are other groups you are working
> with, please ask them to also post to this list regarding matters that
> concern this group or
> post the information yourself if they are unwilling.
> Since the beginning we have tried to maintain a very high level of
> transparency, and group involvment. Im unhappy to learn some things
> have been happening off in the sidelines where the group can not fully
> participate because it is not aware.
> Regarding the future:
> We are still in need of a forum, if you and shadowing would like to
> work on that it would be a very positive thing that would be adding
> something to the group that we are currently lacking and have been
> waiting for for a very long time.
> Another thing I would like to see happen is the planet get redesigned
> by Myles, who seems to have disapeared, soon. But it should wait for
> the site redesign and not copy the current look since thats going to
> be changing sometime in the near future.
> Also, a wordpress blog with free accounts for Ubuntu Canadian users is
> something we discussed but have not yet seen happen, anyone with the
> time and knowledge is free to volunteer to work on that as well.
> Lastly, since I am unable to be on chat much(if ever) how do people
> feel about the idea
> that the daily chat log be emailed to the mailing list once a day so
> those in a similar situation to me can see whats been going on?
> Im late for work again today, but I feel this project is important enough 
> to
> make that sacrifice.
> Cheers
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca

Gmail - Hits the spot! :-)
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