email from mutant_john

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Wed Oct 12 03:45:11 UTC 2011


I have just approved for the ML an email from mutant_john, titled
"With humility and grace". I would like all triagers to read the
Forum's thread pointed to in it, and follow the adventure -- and
provide input to him on what might have gone wrong.

On a side project, it might be quite interesting to find what could
be done (if anything) to protect from a similar disaster.

Although this is not a bug (at least as of now), this does not
strictly follow a _triage_, per se. But it does show a real case
scenario of a user that suddenly finds himself with a non-working
(Ubuntu) system -- and how this can impact the user.

Please -- no comments like "you were running Beta, it is unstable".
He knows it. I know it. Everybody knows it. BTW, I am about 80%+
confident that he would have been hit by the same thing after release.

For the record, this email came after a rather strong one from him,
that I rejected, and asked for a bit of civility. I am immensely
glad he accepted, and pretty much as proud that I can accept in the
ML the new version.



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