Translation help - working with translated logs - can syslog keep an untranslated copy?

Przemek Kulczycki przemekkulczycki at
Mon Jan 18 15:24:04 UTC 2010

Hi guys.
I was referred to this list by Ara, who replied to my email to
ubuntu-qa list and mention a recent thread from this list named
"Translation help".
I would like to follow up on this discussion with the email that I've
sent earlier to ubu-qa and ubu-dev-discuss.
Sorry for the duplication to those of you who already have read it.
Here's the email:
Recently, while reviewing lots of logs for bugs in msttcorefonts I
have been struck by an idea.
Lots of these logs were translated to local languages (german, french,
spanish, chinese, ...) which makes it a lot harder to troubleshoot the
issues since most people do not know all these languages at the same
So I came up with this idea:
can Syslog be configured or patched so it would keep 2 sets of logs? -
1 translated for the user, and another 1 untranslated (in english) for
reporting bugs.
This would make bug troubleshooting much easier, since all logs could
be sent in 1 language, also apport could be patched then to send only
the english logs instead of the translated ones.

What do you think about it?
Would it be worth to implement it?
English is the lingua franca of bug reporting so I think it would be
worth it, even if the size of the logs on the disk would be doubled.
In addition to my original email I can now see that this would
probably require modifying all the apps that send the messages to
syslog, or maybe just modify gettext and other
translation/localisation engines.

## Przemysław Kulczycki <<=>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
# Jabber/XMPP/Gtalk/Tlen ID: azrael[na] #
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