Announcing the Next Ubuntu Bug Day! - Thursday 12th November 2009

Joe Berry jberry at
Thu Nov 12 00:08:41 UTC 2009

Hello Pedro,

I just joined the BugSquad a couple of days ago and am still trying to
get myself properly oriented. I don't want to incorrectly respond to
problems do to my lack of understanding of how things work.  So I would
like to ask a couple of questions about specific bugs and get your take
on my comments.

Under "50 New Bugs", bug # 460161, it seems to me that this is not a bug
but rather an enhancement request, one which might even be argued about.
Similarly, regarding bug # 452642, this is an enhancement request.
Actually, it's a rather good one -- I am familiar with the problem. 

Is there a category for enhancements or are they lumped together as
bugs?  How should "bugs" like these be dealt with?

Again, I would appreciate somebody's input to my questions. While I have
lots of experience with computers (I'm a software developer by
profession), working on community projects is new to me.


On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 08:46 -0300, Pedro Villavicencio Garrido wrote: 
> Fellow Ubuntu Triagers!
> This week's Bug Day target is *drum roll please* Nautilus!
>  * 50 New Bugs need a hug
>  * 50 Incomplete Bugs need a status check
>  * 34 Confirmed Bugs need a review
>  * 17 Bugs to be send upstream

Joe Berry
Baltimore, MD
jberry at
AIM IM: joetopshot
Yahoo IM: joetopshot
Jabber IM: joetopshot at

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