Ubuntu-bugsquad Digest, Vol 33, Issue 2

Andres Mauricio Mujica Zalamea andres.mujica at seaq.com.co
Thu Mar 5 18:38:44 UTC 2009


> Triaging's not about closing as many bugs as possible.  It's about improving 
> bug reports.  You could say "resolving" bugs, but "nevermind we don't want to 
> deal with you because you're not prompt enough" isn't really a resolution.

please take into account the Collin's post some days ago


some aparts from the post:

>My biggest single annoyance with bug triage is people coming around and
asking if bugs are still valid when they haven't put any effort into
reproducing them themselves. This annoys bug >submitters too; every so
often somebody replies and says "didn't you even bother to check?". This
gives a very bad impression of us as a project - wouldn't it be better
if we looked as if we knew >what we were talking about? .."

also :

>Closing a bug is taking an item off somebody's to-do list.

in fact just noticed a new report from him about the issue... gonna read


Anyway i do agree with maco and find a lot of reasons in Collin's post
that i believe we should discuss and maybe adopt.


Andrés Mauricio Mujica Zalamea
andres.mujica at seaq.com.co

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