[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be 16.04 release party date
Merlijn Sebrechts
merlijn.sebrechts at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 20:03:49 UTC 2016
Thanks a lot everyone for your comments, this feedback is really helpful!
I agree with Jan that we should focus on 'type of location' instead of
'geographical location'. Even if we find an ideal location; one that is in
the middle of this country and is accessible by both car and public
transport, there will still be people who won't be able to make it.* I
myself live in Ghent, so I'll focus my efforts around Ghent*. If other
people want to organize meetups closer to them, feel free to do so. In
fact, I'd encourage you to do so. Edmund, start a community in the
rupelstreek. It will make the ubuntu-be community grow, and maybe in a few
years, we'll all meet in Brussels for a big ubuntu-be party.
It seems to be a common concern that the association with the hacker
culture creates barriers. Ubuntu = Linux for human beings, so we should try
to avoid those barriers at all cost. So I propose we try to find a better
location that has less of a barrier and has more connected to non-techy
people. I myself am a Computer Science PhD student, so I'll need a lot of
help getting in touch with non-techy organizations. Frank, do you have
personal connections to such organizations in Ghent?* Is anyone else able
to help establish a relationship with other organizations?*
Now that I think of it, *English is another big barrier.* The main reason
why I using English is that it allows the french and dutch speaking parts
of ubuntu-be to communicate better. However, I'm not sure if there are that
many non-dutch people around here. Trying to include everyone might just
have an adverse effect. Aside from that, I'm going to focus my efforts on
the area around Ghent, so I don't see the benefit of talking English
anymore, especially since it creates another barrier. I think it's best if
everyone just speaks the language they're most comfortable with. Anyone has
any thoughts on the language issue?
Kind regards
Merlijn Sebrechts
2016-04-12 7:16 GMT+02:00 Jan Bongaerts <jbongaerts at gmail.com>:
> My 2¢
> Focus on the type of location, not the geographical location. It's always
> going to be easy for some and difficult for others.
> So I advice the organiser to stick to a location that is really accessible
> for him/her.
> Hackerspace might indeed not be the best idea. Rather take it to your
> target audience, like a youth club, a student fraternity, or some adult
> education centre.
> Regards,
> Jan.
> On 9 Apr 2016 10:19, "Edmund BlackAdder" <wh1tesp4ce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Merijn, all,
>> i live in the Rupelstreek, that's below Antwerp, and I'm not all that
>> happy driving to Ghent. (what with it's accessibility (or lack of)).
>> Also, the terms "hacker" and "hackerspace" still carry a negative
>> connotation with most of the non-tech savvy people i meet.
>> That might slow down things also, imho.
>> If i'm allowed to think out loud for a minute, i'd say there's potential
>> for Linux in the Rupelstreek. As far as i know, there's not too many of us
>> linux users around here.
>> Maybe in the future, a launch party in these parts of the country would
>> help things forward a bit. That would need a suitable location of course,
>> but I've got a few venues in my mind.
>> On the other hand i realize that if everybody sticks to his/her
>> geographical location, the team will have a hard time getting together. And
>> that's not a suitable option either.
>> Kind regards,
>> Tom.
>> Op 09-04-16 om 09:29 schreef linux service:
>> Maybe a better location that is better accessible with car?
>> You have to have a plan currently to enter Ghent.
>> I like "De Leest" in Izegem.
>> Maybe together with the linux groups in Kortrijk and Linuxbabbel?
>> gd
>> Op Friday 08 April 2016 20:59:53 schreef Frank Neirynck:
>> > Hi Merlijn, all,
>> >
>> > I filled in the doodle, and I think a release party in Ghent is a good
>> > idea, but if Hackerspace is the best location to attract other then
>> > already convinced Linux-users, I am willing to doubt.
>> > Maybe a release party could or should be held in a more publicly known
>> > location to "normal people" in Ghent or elsewhere, where it could
>> > attract a more diverse audience. Maybe at Vormingplus, an organisation
>> > of whom I suspect they would embrace the idea?
>> >
>> > Kind regards,
>> >
>> > Frank Neirynck
>> >
>> > -----Oorspronkelijke bericht-----
>> > Van: Merlijn Sebrechts <merlijn.sebrechts at gmail.com>
>> <merlijn.sebrechts at gmail.com>
>> > Reply-to: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> > Aan: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> > Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be 16.04 release party date
>> > Datum: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 10:50:16 -0700
>> >
>> > Hi all
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Only three people have filled in the doodle although there are a lot
>> > more people active on this list. It seems a release party in Ghent isn't
>> > that wanted. Can those who didn't answer help me understand what the
>> > cause of the lack of interest is? I'm thinking of a few possible
>> > reasons:
>> > * No interest in a release party?
>> > * Ghent is a bad location?
>> > * None of the dates work?
>> > Any of these reasons apply to you? Do you have other reasons? Please
>> > help me understand!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Kind regards
>> > Merlijn Sebrechts
>> >
>> > 2016-04-04 12:54 GMT-07:00 Merlijn Sebrechts
>> > <merlijn.sebrechts at gmail.com> <merlijn.sebrechts at gmail.com>:
>> > Hi all
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > As Jan suggested, let's organize a release party for the 16.04
>> > release. I created a doodle to get a rough idea of when people
>> > have time. It would take place in Hackerspace Ghent,
>> > Blekerijstraat 75. What would we do there?
>> >
>> >
>> > - I can talk about my Ubuntu phone, and about Juju 2.0. If
>> > anyone has any ideas or suggestions for other talks, please let
>> > me know.
>> > - Help each other install and upgrade to 16.04
>> > - Help each other with general Ubuntu problems
>> > - Get to know the ubuntu-be community
>> >
>> >
>> > Can you please fill in the following doodle? Thanks!
>> >
>> >
>> > http://doodle.com/poll/hr88xszfmq6krivt
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Kind regards
>> > Merlijn Sebrechts
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
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