[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu life in Belgium
tom verlinden
tom.verlinden at gmail.com
Tue May 6 19:24:50 UTC 2014
Hey, that's impossible for me.
I can't make the 100km drive on a weekday.
In the weekend it would be another story.
What do you guys think?
Op 6 mei 2014 19:04 schreef "kawabill" <kawabill op telenet.be>:
> How could we best get together;
> 2) The core-team members proposed, let me know who disagrees or cannot
> pick up;
> a) kawabill
> b) nero
> c) Frank Neirynck
> d) Tom Verlinden
> e) Jan Bongaerts
> f) Merlijn Sebrechts
> g) Alain Daudrez
> You are all invited to come to Houthalen on May 27th. Would this work for
> all of you?
> Rg
> William
> On 03-05-14 21:11, Merlijn Sebrechts wrote:
> Why not use them all? There are enough applications out there that let
> you post on multiple social media all at once...
> On a side note: I'm making a diaspora* node for hackerspace ghent. When
> it's finished, I'll also make an ubuntu-be group there, so we can hang out
> on our own, open source, trustable, distributed social platform...
> 2014-05-03 12:54 GMT+02:00 Alain Baudrez <a.baudrez op gmail.com>:
>> I just had a look at the ubuntu-be page on Google+ -
>> https://plus.google.com/112197959490301022128/about?hl=nl - it is idle.
>> Even if we don't have the possibility to modify our website in the near
>> future, we could at least use the events options of our Google+ page to
>> announce what we plan to do.
>> Same goes for our FB page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/87950312093/. There is a bit more 'life' in the FB group, but nothing spectacular.
>> I noticed quite a lot op webpages like '10 things to do after installing
>> ubuntu 14.04'. We could at least translate (some of) those pages into Dutch
>> and French and post them on those two social media, It would be a start.
>> The main problem I see is which one we will be using.
>> With the 'rumours' of Google eventually downsizing or shutting down their
>> G+ social network, and on the other side some users not trusting Facebook,
>> which way must we go?
>> 2014-05-03 11:29 GMT+02:00 Duray Pol <duraypol op gmail.com>:
>> Le 02/05/2014 14:26, Luc Rulkin a écrit :
>>> Goede middag .
>>> Een klein vraagje , van iemand die een paar jaar terug al een vraag
>>> stelde op t forum , zonder antwoord ..
>>> zeggen jullie nu : "wij zijn op stervens na dood ... ga naar Ubuntu.nl
>>> of Ubuntu.fr ?".
>>> Is er een franstalige kant van ubuntu.be ? Anders ga ik daar eens
>>> vragen wat ik kan doen.
>>> (oude acer met Vista Profess. zou ik willen proberen op Ubuntu)(ik ben
>>> geen It'er en heb wat aanwijzingen nodig)
>>> C'est tout !!
>>> MIVG Luc R
>>> Luc Rulkin
>>> Bergstraat 6
>>> B 9630 St Marie Latem (Zwalm)
>>> There is nothing worse than being talked about, that is not being talked
>>> about.
>>> (O Wilde)
>>> On Friday, 2 May 2014, 12:25, tom verlinden <tom.verlinden op gmail.com><tom.verlinden op gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Bill's proposal looks mighty fine to me. I'll get my thinking cap on
>>> and see what i an come up with. Anybody having a problem with bill's
>>> proposal?
>>> Op 2 mei 2014 06:36 schreef "Jurgen Gaeremyn" <
>>> jurgen.gaeremyn op pandora.be>:
>>> I think any of the hackerspaces will be willing to accomodate...
>>> people living near train stations on our group might too...
>>> Possibly I can't be available myself (wife is pregnant and due for June
>>> 4th) but I'm pretty sure Hackerspace Brussels (hackerspace.be) would be
>>> glad to offer you a chair in the space or the garden...
>>> Grtz,
>>> Jurgen.
>>> On 01-05-14 23:08, Jan Bongaerts wrote:
>>> Real life meeting should still take preference over virtual meeting,
>>> if you ask me.
>>> It's not all that hard to organise. Jurgen did it, I did it. They were
>>> all successful.
>>> Just get to somewhere easily accessible by public transport.
>>> Brussels is the best.
>>> Antwerp or Ghent might be a good option.
>>> On 1 May 2014 22:51, Merlijn Sebrechts <merlijn.sebrechts op gmail.com>wrote:
>>> aa) I can help with the website. I now a tiny bit of Drupal. If
>>> somebody can give me the right credentials, I could take a look at it next
>>> week. Mike Morraye knows more about the website, I think.
>>> cc) same as aa)
>>> ee) I think Google Hangouts is the best free option. If somebody has a
>>> sip server, we could also use a sip client like jitsi.org, which has
>>> excellent Ubuntu support.
>>> Thanks for doing this wake-up call, kawabill!
>>> 2014-05-01 21:40 GMT+02:00 kawabill <kawabill op telenet.be>:
>>> Hey I'm not alone on the island....! :)
>>> Tom, you're right I think and I agree. It is not somebody we need, it is
>>> us. Also Juergen's proposal for having Ubuntu-be.org and setting clear
>>> expectations I agree with, this way we can prevent disappointment from and
>>> by others. Carrying Ubuntu-be to the funeral I would think is just a bit
>>> too early. From the reactions, at least 5-10 people are actively involved
>>> and able to help.
>>> Using IRC is maybe just a little too much written words and I've got no
>>> clue how to get it to work reliably, I think we need to get together or at
>>> least get visual. For getting together there is the hacker space, the
>>> facilities in Houthalen an hack - even an old school room in Bree. Is there
>>> an open source alternative to Skype, allowing for a virtual meeting maybe
>>> (I saw Apache's Open Meeting)? Or what if we organise a chat/video
>>> conference from the 'local' events; Houthalen in Limburg, Hackerspace,
>>> Brugge - can we organize it maybe in such a way that it's all in sync; ie.
>>> every last Wednesday of the month (convenient for LImburg, as this is the
>>> gathering date already)?
>>> 1) Do you want to help set up a booth at fosdem 2015? YES, if we can
>>> plan ahead I would think we can get the right and motivated people involved
>>> including this chap
>>> 2) Do you still use the website? If so, how? YES, but let's indeed
>>> make it such that people see activity - starting with filling the agenda
>>> showing the local activities for example
>>> 3) What information would you want to see on the new website? Haven't
>>> really given it a thought, but one thing for sure I would like to see and
>>> that is UP TO DATE information
>>> Let's keep the ideas coming, I think getting around the bank account
>>> quickly is indeed opening a new one, and make it one that we can access and
>>> at least have some kind of redundancy. This as not to get stuck again.
>>> I have to read and negotiate contracts all day, it would really be good
>>> if we could talk to each other, preferably face to face. This way we
>>> iterate in seconds rather than weeks.
>>> Finally; let's get the link into Canonical established and strengthened.
>>> I work for a large company and quite a large bunch is starting to use
>>> Ubuntu also on the desktop. Ubuntu Phone is a great idea and has huge
>>> potential, especially for cost savings. I checked how I could get our
>>> purchasing in contact easily, but believe me, Canonical is not going to
>>> sell the idea if they stick to how they have approached this up to now. I
>>> would think, certainly in Europe, they have a wide enough network of
>>> enthusiasts and could easily bundle the network to get aggressive into
>>> offering savings to large and medium size companies. As far as I'm
>>> concerned I use the software that they have ubuntu-ed, it is this creation
>>> that binds us - the reason why I spend my time locally to help people is
>>> for ubuntu, and also as a kind of payback to Canonical because they have
>>> created a magnificent piece of software. Not only them, but they are for me
>>> one of the main forces behind humanizing Linux! Credit to Mark Shuttleworth
>>> for all that. Taking Ubuntu-be to the graveyard doesn't seem the best way
>>> to help and show a kind of gratitude.
>>> Too many words written already, and hail to he/she who came to this
>>> point. How to go forward? Let's use 8D methodology and get this going.
>>> 1) Plan - revive Ubuntu-be and prevent it from going quiet again
>>> 2) The core-team members proposed, let me know who disagrees or cannot
>>> pick up;
>>> a) kawabill
>>> b) nero
>>> c) Frank Neirynck
>>> d) Tom Verlinden
>>> e) Jan Bongaerts
>>> f) Merlijn Sebrechts
>>> g) Alain Daudrez
>>> 3) The problem; Ubuntu-be is dying
>>> 4) Temporary fix;
>>> aa) website is not upto date (whom can take action and when?)
>>> bb) bank account needs to be corrected (to open a new one I can pick
>>> up the action and can have it done within two weeks, with regards to the
>>> old one whom can get the responsible person to help organize it such that
>>> we have multiple Ubuntu-ers to get access and when?)
>>> cc) support point map - remove ghost accounts and update or allow
>>> for updated information (whom can take action and when?)
>>> dd) Limburg event box - Wouter, please drop me an e-mail where I can
>>> come and pick it up and get it into my storage garage)
>>> ee) Setup a web-meeting last Wednesday of May (May 28th), we can use
>>> Skype, Google hangout or maybe someone can help build Open Meeting for
>>> Ubuntu (I don't mind planning and coordinating, whom can help setup the
>>> technical side of it all, Nero???)
>>> Let's get this going before we start root-cause analysis, and when need
>>> please team up where you can. Myself I'm not really good at using Drupal,
>>> I've build my own in HTML, but I sure could help cleaning up and updating.
>>> Your comments please?
>>> Bill
>>> On 01-05-14 12:39, tom verlinden wrote:
>>> Thanks for your info on this. I've always thought that this certain
>>> "somebody" should comprise out of more than one person. One person can't
>>> take this on his or her shoulders. There's too much, from what i'm reading,
>>> for one person to do and be succesfull about it. There should be a team of
>>> somebodies, all doing somewhat the same, but in different locations. (Does
>>> that make sense?) Is there a need for a central organ? To me that makes it
>>> too complicated already, and might create expectations, that cannot be
>>> fullfilled. Anyway, there's need, i guess to promote ubuntu, as Bill said.
>>> Now we have to figure out how to do this in a fun way, i guess.
>>> Op 1 mei 2014 12:27 schreef "Jurgen Gaeremyn" <
>>> jurgen.gaeremyn op pandora.be>:
>>> Tom,
>>> the strongest periods of Ubuntu-be were when one single person actually
>>> kept his shoulders under the project. In the past we had a few of these
>>> people. Thing is: ubuntu-be.org should set clear expectations: what
>>> (not) to expect: a spokesman, the official stance of Ubuntu on whatever
>>> Belgian activity, guaranteed support, etc...
>>> If someone stands up and is prepared to take leadership, you will
>>> quickly have a core team of somewhere between 5 and 10 or even more if you
>>> do a great job. If you're willing to take up this commitment, you'll be
>>> doing Ubuntu-be a big favour. Problem is, apparently this mythical figure
>>> called "somebody" we're all talking about and who'll do all the practical
>>> stuff like maintain the website, organise event booths, create content,
>>> etc... isn't on this list anymore. Not sure if he ever was.
>>> Please, do give it a chance. First things first - canonical approval is
>>> not a problem if you can prove you're active. I'm assuming someone here
>>> will be able to tell you more details on this.
>>> Grtz,
>>> Jurgen.
>>> On 01-05-14 12:11, tom verlinden wrote:
>>> I don't know about organizing a funeral just yet. Maybe ubuntu.be could
>>> be a commonplace for those using and or discovering ubuntu but more in a
>>> fun sort of way. Don't know if i'm saying this right, but i think you get
>>> the picture. There doesn't need to be a central person or spokesman imho.
>>> Makes it far too official. The first goal should be, in my humble opinion,
>>> to get people to discover ubuntu. Maybe by promoting this list we could get
>>> more people discovering the os. As far as i'm concerned, i use ubuntu, talk
>>> about it and show it to whoever i think might be interrested, give support
>>> where i can and drop leaflets in our library. (They're also on ubuntu.
>>> Woot!!)
>>> I think that if we do our part any wich way we can, on our little
>>> "islands", and use the net, list as our "glue", who knows what can happen
>>> in the future? Is there still a connection with canonical? How does that
>>> work? Hell, typing this gets me all fired up to give this a chance. What do
>>> you guys think? Give it some kind of try, or just leave, and do something
>>> on our own? (I think we could achieve more together, but i'd like to hear
>>> your opinion). My 2 cents....
>>> Op 30 apr. 2014 07:30 schreef "kawabill" <kawabill op telenet.be>:
>>> What triggered me was a mail I got from someone in the community,
>>> stating that he rather spent his time otherwise, declining an invitation I
>>> had sent him. No problem of course, but it took me to the following page;
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings
>>> No activities are visible for me the visitor, going over the pages it
>>> seems that the latest info dates from 2012. I know activities are still
>>> going on, organized by enthusiasts on a very local scale, but for me it is
>>> not visible whether all of this is coordinated.
>>> I find it a pity, that in the period where MS end of lifes XP I don't
>>> see any coordinated activity to get people over into the Ubuntu/Mint/Linux
>>> camp.
>>> Can anyone please comment and give feedback or let me know I'm wrong and
>>> I seem to live life on a desolate space outside of the Ubuntu community?
>>> Have a nice day.
>>> Bill
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