[Ubuntu-be] IRC Meeting Report 06/10/2011
Jan Bongaerts
jbongaerts at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 12:59:58 UTC 2011
I was hoping to attend the meeting, but was called away to fly a heart from
Dijon to Lille.
I guess it's a valid excuse.
I'm busy presenting Ubuntu to some community centre in Wijnegem. 3 sessions
of 2 hours, each Friday evening from 30/9 until 14/10.
I'll report when I'm done.
If you'd like me to present something in Hasselt during the meeting
discussed below, please let me know. I'll be glad to help if I'm available
and if you feel I can contribute.
On 7 October 2011 12:13, wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at hotmail.com>wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Here's the report of the Ubuntu-be IRC meeting of last night:
> Grts
> Wouter
> meeting, Thursday October 6
> Participants: Jurgentje, pvandewyngaerde, warddr, jean7491, hans_,
> Firestrikers, sulumar, JanC, woutervddn
> == Past events ==
> - Dipro Brugge (no feedback available,nobody present, a report should
> be written)
> == Upcoming events ==
> - Serain-Brocante informatique
> *
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Seraing_2011-10-09
> - Dipro Hasselt
> *
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Hasselt_2011-10-16
> * http://www.doodle.com/w5mqzbmwaq8afxrd#table
> * Woutervddn will burn 11.10 CD's (20 to start with)
> * We should add the doodle to the wiki
> - Dipro Kortrijk
> *
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Kortrijk_2011-10-30
> == Promotion ==
> - We're planning a school based event in Hasselt.
> - National Release Party for the LTS ? where ? (HSBXL?)
> - woutervddn needs to re-enable the tshirt page
> - centralized depot for Ubuntu-ware:
> WHAT: T-shirts, flyers, CD's, ...
> * for now (starters) we'll collect at Woutervddn (his parents)
> * will probably move to Jurgen (decision comes around new year)
> == Website & Wiki ==
> * woutervddn and sulumar have admin rights on the website
> * JanC has ssh access
> * Someone who has both ssh access and admin rights is wanted. Volunteers,
> reveal yourself
> - French translation of flyers (needs to be printed)
> - Planning a localised cd for the next Ubuntu release
> --
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