[Ubuntu-be] IRC Meeting Report 06/10/2011

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 7 10:13:09 UTC 2011

Hey guys, 
Here's the report of the Ubuntu-be IRC meeting of last night:


meeting, Thursday October 6
Participants: Jurgentje, pvandewyngaerde, warddr, jean7491, hans_, Firestrikers, sulumar, JanC, woutervddn    == Past events ==    - Dipro Brugge (no feedback available,nobody present, a report should be written)
== Upcoming events ==    - Serain-Brocante informatique            * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Seraing_2011-10-09    - Dipro Hasselt            * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Hasselt_2011-10-16            * http://www.doodle.com/w5mqzbmwaq8afxrd#table            * Woutervddn will burn 11.10 CD's (20 to start with)            * We should add the doodle to the wiki                - Dipro Kortrijk        * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Kortrijk_2011-10-30

== Promotion ==    - We're planning a school based event in Hasselt.    - National Release Party for the LTS ? where ? (HSBXL?)    - woutervddn needs to re-enable the tshirt page    - centralized depot for Ubuntu-ware:            WHAT: T-shirts, flyers, CD's, ...        * for now (starters) we'll collect at Woutervddn (his parents)        * will probably move to Jurgen (decision comes around new year)        == Website & Wiki == * woutervddn and sulumar have admin rights on the website * JanC has ssh access * Someone who has both ssh access and admin rights is wanted. Volunteers, reveal yourself
TODO:- French translation of flyers (needs to be printed)- Planning a localised cd for the next Ubuntu release
------------- volgend deel ------------
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