[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting on 17/06/2009 - Report

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Thu Jun 18 22:26:29 BST 2009

IRC meeting report

Present at the IRC meeting 17/06/2009 (in random order): Gh0sty,
Wamukota, JanC, jean7491, mib_yxp4z0(Guy), Indra6oc

1. Future events: no input

2. Relation with other LUG's and computer clubs

Wamukota will visit a computer club in Brugge, report later.

3. Promotion material (Proposal new poster, flyer and banner)

 a. The poster “Free your PC” with XP screen is accepted (format A2).

The best price we know is maxevent.be <http://maxevent.be/>, 250 ex. A2
for 140 euro + 10 euro port (VAT included).

 b. The flyer (Nr 3) with yellow-marron background is accepted (format A6).

How many exemplars of the new flyer and poster do we need? According to
our experience, we distribute approximately 200 flyers at each Dipro
fair, it means 1250 ex. every 6 months.

For the flyer, the best price and service we know is flyer.be
<http://flyer.be/> (no cost for the port) : 1250 ex. for 54.45 euro,
2500 ex = 66.55 euro and 5000 = 83.49 euro (VAT included).

 c. For the french versions, files are available, but we have no idea
about how many are needed? For small amount of flyers (home made), it is
possible to print another version on yellow colored paper.

 d. Questions for the mailing list:
How many flyers do you need (possibly to put in flyer stands in
libraries, schools, etc.) ?
Do you knows where to print posters and flyers cheaper for the same
service ?

 e. Banner : as already mentioned, we are still looking for volunteers
to help painting an Ubuntu banner on textile (by indra - at home in
Stekene) end of june.

4. Event-boxes

Hardware: Gh0sty proposes a PC Dell GX 250 without disk / memory, P4
1.7GHz with sata and ata connections and RAM(?). JanC has a PC Compaq
Evo with P4.

The problem is to find displays (TFT screens) of decent size.

Guy has a 24" lcd acer we can use in september (Dipro fairs), but he
needs it back in october (for his demo-days).

Additionally, he has a PC-in-screen (like the PC he already offers to
Ubuntu-be) and an Asus book-sized PC available for Ubuntu-be.

It is decided to complete the inventory of the event-boxes with
non-hardware material (for example locks for laptops, tablecloths, A4
stands, ...), and to review what (hardware) really exists and where?

An inventory will be added in the wiki for the available promotion
material (banner, old en new posters, old and new flyers, cd's, …) so
that everybody, who is interested, knows what is available and where?

5. Next IRC meeting on 24/06/2009 at 21 h.

/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/
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