[Ubuntu-be] ReleaseActions - Train station actions 21/10/07

snulkid rr at lilit.be
Sun Sep 23 14:26:31 BST 2007

Le dimanche 23 septembre 2007 12:17, François Cauwe a écrit :
> Leuven contains more than 600 students. The idea would be to (1)
> come with a projector, and project a presentation or a ubuntu
> desktop on a wall or screen at the exit.

The new Liège Guillemins underground is full of space and wonderful 
(sort of JFK airport TWA terminal...) but you'll have to wait 1 more 
year or 2 to get access to it ;-))

> Do you need a authorisation to redistribute flyers on the public
> road? I think you have to write in on it "Niet op de openbare weg
> gooien." (Don't throw on the public road).

For the "Fête de l'internet 2005", our LUG wanted to get max. 
visibility by using a room or booth in the very center of Liege 
(place Cathédrale : see 
http://lilit.be/photos.php?gal=fete-internet). It turned out to be an 
administrative nightmare : you have to ask (and maybe to pay taxes) to 
the City council, with a 3 months delay(!), to be allowed to have a 
booth, to distribute flyers, to be clothed as a pinguin, to put 
advertising posters on a window facing the street, to put a network 
cable passing even a pedestrian street, etc. Finally, we made an 
agreement with the "Médiathèque" asbl and the TEC (to use their bus 
stop) because they already had the needed authorisations.

So, as Cédric said and even if things cannot be worse than in Liege, 
be careful !


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