[Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Education, Ubuntu and LoCo teams]
Marc Portier
mpo at outerthought.org
Wed Oct 25 00:05:39 BST 2006
Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op dinsdag 24-10-2006 om 23:29 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Marc
> Portier:
>> Mark Van den Borre wrote:
>>> 2006/10/24, Jan Claeys <ubuntu at janc.be>:
>>>> The task of the "local education contact" would be[...]
>>> The first candidates that realises three significant free software in
>>> education activities get my support. One for fr_be, one for nl_be.
>> +1, and those who trigger the participation of the rest of this group
>> in that process gets a bonus :-)
> Personally I don't like the idea of making it some sort of a
> competition.
yes and no
yes, that's why I wanted to stress the group-trigger in my reply, me too
would hate to see competition drive people away from collaboration
on the other hand I like the result-focus Mark's remark is making
It's great to see more then one candidate speaking up, but it does give
some stress on how to decide for who, and I find 'achievements' a very
logical way to motivate such decision....
so while the parallel emails got us in some stalemate position placing
all candidates in a politely indecisive "you first" mode, I read Mark's
remark as a "GO!" towards all of them, urging them to start applying
their energy into actually achieving something :-)
> Maybe it would be better that all interested people start working
> together on the topic of using Ubuntu in education. Then after some
> time this group inside ubuntu-be can chose amongst themselves which
> person is best suited to become the contact person... (E.g. having
I agree, note that this is not about a life long appointment: people in
a well running group should be able to take turns in being
contact-person, falling back on each other or taking other
responsibilities at different times...
> enough time might be more important than in-depth technical or
> educational knowledge--although some basic knowledge about both is of
> course required.)
copious free time helps you make up for shortage in knowledge, and the
other way around, but again, in the end we'll need a mix of all, put in
by different people to get to what really matters: measurable achievements
so yeah, I don't particularly care who does what when, and who carries
which title, but I would sure like to see/hear some ideas and
initiatives on how to address (which?) issues in schools
so who's first?
Marc Portier http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at http://blogs.cocoondev.org/mpo/
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