[Ubuntu-be] List of needed and not needed.

Grégoire Vigneron gregoir at scarlet.be
Thu Mar 9 15:11:07 GMT 2006

Grummfy a écrit :

>On 3/9/06, Adriaan Peeters <apeeters at lashout.net> wrote:
>>On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 13:55 +0100, mongolito404 wrote:
>>> - Language selection: Currently, the user has to select the langage
>>>to use at each visit. It needs a PHP and/or Javascript solution to
>>>automagically redirect to the "home" in the last selected language.
>>Remember that your browser (if it is configured correctly) sends the
>>language preference along with the request for a webpage. We should make
>>use of this for the default language.
Wow first news for me, and very interesting can you tell me how? I now 
the keyboard can be detected, like it is use by google (wich is logicaly 
give me the flemish version because the keyboard is the same for all 
belgian and there is more flemish, why google do not detect the language 
(fr) of my browser?)

>>Adriaan (who was at FOSDEM but didn't know about the ubuntu-be meeting)
>If it work, it's good, but in the other case choising the language in
>a menu is better.

>For the needed:
>-I think a good solution to syncronise all language :
>--When a webpage was created all page in the other language are also
>created but with a links to the page to translate
>--When a modification was made its intresting to envisage a button say
>to other " hey there is a modifcation translate this".

>-News editor
>-Newsletter -> http://phpcodeur.net/wascripts/wanewsletter/ is good
>-rss to englobe all
>-cms to publish webpage easyly : CMS-MS

Grégoire Vigneron

gregoir at scarlet.be


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