[Ubuntu-be] VMware & printer

Ismael Demiddel ismael.demiddel at telenet.be
Fri Dec 15 20:54:18 GMT 2006


I wanted to install VMware on Linux so can still do my work for school
with and install Windows.. But ther is a problem with VMware, or me.

He doesn't find the kernel and the subdirectory "linux" and if I typ in
the directory he doesnt want to take it. It has to be
in /usr/src/linux/include/ but with me it is in /usr/include/linux/ .

I have tried to copy paste it (with root off course) an reïnstall, but
nothing worked. The program is on my desktop, but if I try to open it,
it crashes. Probably because it isn't fully installed...

I also have a problem with my printer. I can print, but when my brother
tries to print, he doesn't recognize him. I can share files with his
computer (windows xp) without any problems. But when he tries to print,
it doesn't work. I have Samba and the printer is shared, the Windows pc
of my brother recognizes me in the network.

The printer is atached to my Linux (edubuntu LTS 6.06) computer.

	-VMware -> can't find my source kernel (headers are installed)
	-Printer -> can't print from a Windows XP computer in the 					network
(on his computer he can see me, share files and if my computer is in
Windows, it works.. so nothing wrong with the connection

Can someone help me, please?
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards.

Ismaël Demiddel
Belgian Edubuntu Team

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